Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wedding Presents

Many of you have asked Travis and I where we have registered for wedding presents. So, here is the answer for everyone. Travis and I have not registered anywhere.

In lieu of presents Travis and I would like everyone to consider making a donation to Tyler O'Neil. While there are many worthy causes that need donations Travis and I have been particularly struck by Tyler's story.
Tyler O'Neil is a 2 1/2 year old boy who was recently orphaned after he and his family were involved in a horrible car accident. Tyler's mother, father and 4 year old brother all died in the accident. This accident happened in Denver and there have been a few news stories about Tyler and his slow recovery from this tragic event. One of the stories indicated that a foundation had been created for Tyler. Travis and I have never met Tyler - but, our thoughts and prayers are with him.

Please consider making a donation to

Tyler O'Neil Fund
Bremer Bank
31 W. Bayfield St.
Washburn, Wisconsin 54891

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